How Things Are Done – Club Operating Procedure
Hampton Canoe Club is run by and for its members on an entirely voluntary basis
Do remember to lock the clubhouse up securely when you leave and to turn off the lights, heaters, hot water etc.
It’s everyone’s responsibility to keep the clubhouse neat and tidy, by putting equipment back in its rack, washing and drying dishes that you use, emptying bins, sweeping the floor etc.
If you see something damaged or untoward, report it to a member of the Committee.
Club Communication
To send an email to the whole club, you can email If replying to these messages, ensure you are just messaging the people you want, not the whole club.
To message the committee, email
Many members use WhatsApp to arrange informal paddles and chat. To join this group, ask a member. It is worth joining as some peer paddles are only mentioned in this group and not by email. This is not run by the club.
Health and Safety
See separate Health and Safety Policy
First Aid & Accidents
- The main first-aid box is above the microwave.
- First aid kits that should be taken on paddles are in the cupboard that is marked “First aid”.
- The nearest defibrillator is on the outside of the ferry building. To use it, call the phone number on the green box it is in, and you will then be provided with the keypad code to unlock it. The defibrillator itself will talk you through how to use it.
All of the coaches are qualified first aiders, as are trip leaders. Other club members are also qualified.
The first aid box is checked annually during the Spring Clean.
Communicating with the Emergency Services
- It is recommended that club members register for 999 texting. In places where mobile reception is a bit weak, a text message can get through when a phone or internet can’t. Text ‘register’ to 999 and follow the instructions. More information is available at
- It is also recommended that club members have the app what3words, which will identify your location within a 3m square grid
Fire and Evacuation
The fire exits are the main clubhouse door, the men’s changing room door and the toilet door.
If there is a fire, once evacuated, members should meet in the ferry’s car park, toward Hampton Court Rd, off the road.
Fire extinguishers are located to the left of the main door, next to the ergo.
There is a signing-in sheet to record members who have taken boats out. However, due to the small size of the clubhouse, if there is a fire, the onus is on members to check the location of the people they were paddling with.
The committee members, and others, have access to online emergency contact information. The people with access are listed in the clubhouse and online under “Who’s who”.
The committee is responsible for getting the first extinguishers checked annually.
Emergency Procedures
If there is an incident or accident, complete the Incident/Accident Form that is kept in the top drawer.
The person who had an incident/accident or someone who was with them is responsible for completing the Incident/Accident Forms.
Completed forms would be reviewed by the committee.
It is usually best practice for the forms to be reviewed by the Club Committee, and copies should be forwarded to British Canoeing for insurance reasons
Forms are kept on record within the club for 6 years
Forms should be kept in excess of 5 years
In the event of a serious incident, club members should not discuss the incident with the media
Club coaches must NOT discuss any event with the press or admit liability to any party
- All concerns, allegations or reports of poor practice/abuse relating to the welfare of vulnerable adults will be recorded and responded to swiftly and appropriately in accordance with the club’s safeguarding policy and procedures. The Club Welfare Officer is the lead contact for all members in the event of any safeguarding concerns.
- All complaints regarding the behaviour of members should be made to the Chairperson.
- The Chairperson may make the relevant party/s aware of the complaint against them on a confidential basis.
- As per the Articles of Association, section 5 b:
Any member violating any of the rules or regulations of the Club or being adjudged guilty of unsatisfactory conduct may, by resolution of the Committee, be suspended or expelled. Any member so suspended or expelled may appeal to a Special General Meeting if such an appeal is sponsored by not less than 30% of members who are entitled to vote.
Use of Club Premises
Signing in and out
The club is available to be used by competent members at any time.
Inexperienced members will be accompanied on Improvers or Paddle Together sessions that will be organised by a club member.
Please remember to sign in and out so we can track who is out on the water in the case of an emergency and also how often different boats are used.
Remember also to pay your £3 boat fees if you haven’t pre-paid for unlimited boat use.
The kitchen facilities are a kettle, fridge, cutlery, crockery, and glassware.
All club members should wash dishes that they use and return them to the cupboards.
Club members are responsible for checking food in the kitchen is within its use by date.
The committee is responsible for getting electrical appliances PAT tested annually.
Club Equipment
Club members are responsible for returning all equipment they use.
Club members are also responsible for noting damage to equipment on the ‘Boat damage sheet’.
Club members can only use boats that they are competent at handling.
Before using a SUP, members need to have completed a SUP training course that has been provided by a qualified SUP instructor and that includes self-rescue, rescuing others, and being rescued.
Members can take club equipment and use it on other waters as long as they sign it out.
If club members want to use a club boat for 2 or more days for a private trip, in advance of the trip email the committee with all of the details for their consideration.
The boats are stored in named racks, the paddles are stored in the paddle racks, the buoyancy aids are hung on the rack, and safety equipment is stored in cupboards.
Boat Care
Our boats are expensive and fragile so please look after them.
When getting in our out of a kayak remember to place one hand flat on the pontoon (or the concrete when outside the clubhouse) and one on the front of the cockpit. The cockpit edge cannot take any weight and it is easy to break a boat if any force is applied. Do not use the cockpit edge to lower yourself into a boat or lever yourself out.
Never place a boat where the rudder comes into contact with the ground and especially do not sit in a boat unless the rudder and fin are clear of the ground. The rudders are easily bent and damaged if placed directly onto the ground.
Boat reservations
Boats are available on a first-come first-served basis.
The only exceptions are:
- A coach or trip leader can reserve boats for a coaching session or a trip which requires canoes or specific boats.
- Club members in training for the DW, or a race, that need to train in the boat they will race in.
The club is available to be used by competent members at any time. Accordingly, most club members have a key.
New club members that request a key can receive one when coaches and/or trip leaders have assessed they are competent enough. As an indication, new members who have completed the Hampton Paddler would be expected to do about 3 improver sessions before they receive a key. A £20 deposit is paid for a key. Contact Patsy Bolton or email
Gate on the car park
The key to the car park after the gate (the Hard) hangs in the clubhouse below the toilet key.
Please be aware that the Council conditions for parking on the Hard include that we will not park there overnight, and will only park there when it is essential for club activities.
Only Members can take guests out. For clarity, club boats can not be lent to guests to paddle by themselves (without a club member).
- A club member must be at BC 2* level or Hampton Paddler + level before they take out a guest.
- You should have an appropriate level of skill and experience as you have a duty of care to your guest, and the river conditions should be suitable. You will have paddled our reach of the river (or your planned route) many times (at least 10 times) in company and on your own, so be aware of all the risks and hazards. You must be confident in your ability to handle your boat, and that you and your guest will not capsize under normal conditions, and be confident of performing rescues for yourself and your guest.
- A member must not take guests out in strong flow or when yellow or red boards are posted.
- A member will be very familiar with the boats you they are using, be that kayaks or canoes.
- Please consider carefully both your own competence and fitness and that of your guests before heading out on the water.
- You are responsible for the repair and the replacement of the boat if it is damaged.
- You should be aware that the guest does not have a boat licence.
- You should be aware that the BC ‘On the water’ membership only covers you for your own personal liability.
- The HCC fee for taking a guest out is still £10, to be left in the boat money container.
- Enjoy your paddle and talk to your guest about taking a Hampton Paddler course and joining the club themselves or as part of a family membership, if they are immediate family.
- A boat licence can be obtained from
government/collections/river- thames-boat-registration-and- application-forms
Children may only paddle with their parents/guardians, who are 2 star, Hampton Kayaker Plus, Paddle Explore level paddlers. Those parents/guardians must take full responsibility for their children at all times.
Private rack space regulations
- The spaces work on a first-come, first-serve basis to paying members of HCC
- Racks very rarely become available, so please do not be disappointed if you cannot get a space
- Rack space costs £45 per year, a figure that will be reviewed annually
- If you no longer need your space, please contact the Rack Manager to remove your name from the list
- When a space becomes available, the Rack Manager will inform the committee and the first person on the list will be contacted to see if they are still interested. If so, they expected to pay immediately and take the space within a reasonable length of time
- If the person does not want/cannot take the space within 12 weeks, then they will fall to the bottom of the list and the next person in line will be offered the rack – so on and so forth
- People on the waiting list cannot swap their position on the list with others
- Members may only have one space per person
- If a member sells their boat which is racked at the club to another member, the rack space does not come with the boat
- We encourage those wanting rack space to be paddlers who regularly paddle with other members, as it is unfair to other HCC members if someone is taking advantage and using the space as cheap storage.
- Hampton Canoe Club will endeavour to contact private boat owners but boats for which rack fees are outstanding for 12 months will become club property and may be used as club boats or sold
This Policy is reviewed every 2 years.